Case Study: Nova Scotia Health Authority implements first provincial Care Coordination Centre

Case-Study-Nova-Scotia-Health-Authority-APR2024Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) has implemented Canada’s first province-wide command center for real-time optimization of patient care delivery.

The Care Coordination Centre (C3) is one of NSHA’s largest digital transformations to date, focused on improving patient throughput across the Health Authority’s forty-one facilities and supporting teams to provide better patient care and experiences. C3 is a priority initiative of Canada’s strategic plan, Action for Health.

C3 is already bearing fruit one year into implementation: 

  • Increasing visibility to capacity pressures
  • Replacing stale data reporting and paper processes with automated real-time information
  • Streamlining patient care delivery for better patient and staff experiences
  • Time savings on documentation, phone calls, notes, and reporting has given frontline staff more time back to care for patients at the bedside